Февраль 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


Word Game 9 — Voting

Today we have two stories and I would like to invite you take part in voting.

1. Weight loss.

weight loss

Corpulent people frequently become zealots of weight loss, and they try all known ways from hackneyed diets to novel methods like an acupuncture or a hypnosis.

Usually all attempts to placate these people are not effective.

Relatives and friends can only be taciturn observers of how losing weight people test the endurance of their organisms.

Sometimes these methods are so outlandish that they can be relegated to crankiness.

For example, a young educated woman, who has a degree in jurisprudence, seriously believe that she can lose weight just by wearing a special beret.

2. Professor.


Mr. Hubert, a corpulent taciturn professor of jurisprudence, set his incongruous hackneyed beret and stared at the book.

Reading novels placated him and relegated his blood pressure.

Like a zealot, he always read the book to the end.

Endurance of professor’s spirit absolutely didn't combine with his appearance.

Which text do you like?

  • 2. Professor (75%, голосов: 3)
  • 1. Weight loss (25%, голосов: 1)

Всего проголосовало: 4

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