Прочитайте фразы и исправьте ошибки, если таковые имеются.
1. a green bag
2. some big table
3. a beautiful pictures
4. ten long dress
5. the new black trousers
6. an uncooked egg
7. a annoying person
8. some nice people
9. some fresh sandwich
10. a good programmes
11. an interesting journeys
12. a few young mans
13. lot of big problems
14. the left-hand side
15. a old suitcases
Пожалуйста, присылайте ваши ответы на word_game@mail.ru.
Желаю всем удачи!
1. a green bag.
2. some big tables.
3. a beautiful picture.
4. ten long dresses.
5. the new black trousers.
6. an uncooked egg.
7. an annoying person.
8. some nice people.
9. some fresh sandwiches.
10. a good programme.
11. an interesting journey.
12. a few young men.
13. a lot of big problems.
14. the left-hand side.
15. an old suitcase.
1 место — Юрий Ярцев (г.Иркутск) — 3 балла
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