Январь 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


Crossword 14 — Answers and Winner


4. Excessively fat.

6. Obsequious flattery; excessive admiration or praise.

7. Skilled at gaining an advantage.

8. Imitate.

9. Move out of or away from something and come into view.


1. A person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

2. Speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently.

3. Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.

5. Steal (something) using violence.

7. Sharpen the blade of.


You can download this crossword in MSWord  format here: Crossword14

Please send me your answers to word_game@mail.ru

Good luck everyone!




4. Corpulent

6. Adulation

7. Wily

8. Emulate

9. Emerge


1. Sycophant

2. Voluble

3. Remorse

5. Pillage

5. Whet


The winner of this game is Grigory Domanin (from Cheboksary). He gets 1 point in the Word Game 14.

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