Март 2025
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Word Game 14 — Winner

This is a prize of this Game.

These are ten new words.

Advocate support
Brusque blunt; abrupt
Defoliate cause leaves to fall off
Espouse promote; take up; support
Hone sharpen; increase; whet
Lax careless; not strict
Obviate avoid; make unnecessary
Poseur someone who puts on an act
Riddled full of (usually full of holes)
Torpid inactive; lazy; stagnant

Please send me your stories to word_game@mail.ru.

Good luck everyone!


Please read next two stories and vote.

1. Hunter and Bear.

The hunter slunk along through the defoliate forest trying to obviate noisy sounds of his own steps.

He followed for the torpid bear, which crept in expectation of hibernation advocating its body.

At last, the animal stopped and began to depict calmness espousing its head like a poseur.

Despite the fact that bear looked brusque and its fangs were honed, however its eyes were sad and its meaningful look was riddled the question: «Why me?».

At first sight, the man was just a lax hunter, but he put the rifle down when three causing pity heads of small bears appeared in a distance.

2. Poor little trees.

People have to advocate trees but not remorselessly defoliate it.

Poor little trees cry from those brusque acts of vandalism riddled with people's heartlessness.

Stop honing your axes; we have to protect the nature instead of destroying it, we have to obviate cutting down whole forests.

Don't be poseurs like all that politicians, defend trees from cutting frankly and honestly.

So you, lax people, don't be torpid, stand up and espouse Mother Nature, save trees for your own sake!

Which text do you like?

  • 1. Hunter and Bear. (63%, голосов: 5)
  • 2. Poor little trees. (38%, голосов: 3)

Всего проголосовало: 8

Загрузка ... Загрузка ...


I would like to present you our participants and the winner of Word Game 14.

1 place — Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk) He takes 3 points.

2 place -Grigory Domanin (Cheboksary). He takes 2 points.



This is today's rating:

Grigori Domanin (Cheboksary) — 11points

Yuri Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk) — 10 points

Raisa Gordienko (Ulyanovsk) — 4 points

Irina (Penza) — 1 point

Advocate support
Brusque blunt; abrupt
Defoliate cause leaves to fall off
Espouse promote; take up; support
Hone sharpen; increase; whet
Lax careless; not strict
Obviate avoid; make unnecessary
Poseur someone who puts on an act
Riddled full of (usually full of holes)
Torpid inactive; lazy; stagnant
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