Февраль 2025
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Word Game 4 — Voting

I am happy to invite all readers take a part in voting.

Today we have four very interesting stories. It is really striking that so different texts can be written on ten basic words!

I want to remind that today all texts posted without teacher's check.

So please vote.



He looks phlegmatic and benevolent.
But it was only a mask.
Guile’s and Wily’s this operator, exploiting Jingoistic mood of citizens, embezzle their property.
Nonchalance ordinary people were boundless and he doesn’t have a  Contrition.
But what was surreptitiously will evidently and it is time to redress the damage.

2. A friendship


A wily fox was moving to a hen house very surreptitiously because his friend was a phlegmatic chicken; he had been waiting for some time standing against the wall. An old dog was nonchalant towards the fox; because he was a puppy he had jingoistic thoughts about and embezzles his youth in pursuit of his tail. The dog felt contrition and after he got older he redressed and always tried to help the chicken and the fox. The benevolence of the dog won guile of the fox and from those their strong friendship grew.

3. For the sake of love.


There was one wily man who was, at first side, a phlegmatic person, however all his life consisted of guile and embezzling. All his improper actions were committed surreptitiously without a shadow of the least contrition. Such state of affairs continued up to his encounter with a benevolent woman who changed his life because she had become his real love. As everybody knows, this magical sense is able to work wonders: it changes nonchalance into interest, it summons jingoistic ideas inside of the most phlegmatic soul, it drives the worst away the darkest soul. Beyond all doubt, he decided to redress his errors for the sake of love and he did it.

4. Wily Treasurer.


The Phlegmatic King was showing nonchalance when his Treasurer embezzled money from the treasury. The court detective disclosed a guile when he surreptitiously penetrated to the depository and saw that it was empty. However the King didn't hear contrition from the wily Treasurer, who said that all the money has been spent for the strengthening of jingoistic moods in the kingdom. The King didn't believe him but promised a benevolent forgiveness if the Treasurer redress losses.

Which text do you like?

  • 1 (38%, голосов: 3)
  • 4 (38%, голосов: 3)
  • 2 (13%, голосов: 1)
  • 3 (13%, голосов: 1)

Всего проголосовало: 8

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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: