Март 2025
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Word Game 5 — Voting

Today we have only one story, but it is very interesting story.

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Word Game 5

New week is beginning and we are starting the new Word Game.

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Word Game 4 — Winner

The time to declare a winner.

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Педиатрия по канадски

Заинтересовал тут меня вопрос, чем канадские родители лечат простуженное горло у ребенка.

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Word Game 4 — Voting

I am happy to invite all readers take a part in voting.

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Зеленый гость

Смотрите, кто к нам в гости приполз :).

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Word Game 4

We are starting a new round of the Word Game and these are ten new words.

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Word Game 3 — Winner

Today is Sunday and the voting has been closed.

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Про наши клумбы

Чего-то мне захотелось рассказать о том, что растет у нас на бэкъярде и вокруг дома :).

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Word Game 3 — Voting

At first I must present my apologies to Andrey Telets because I mistakenly announced myself a winner of the Word Game 2 instead of Andrey. Unfortunately I noticed and corrected this mistake only now.

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