Февраль 2025
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Word Game 5

New week is beginning and we are starting the new Word Game.

So these are ten new words:

Benign kindly; harmless
Contumacious stubborn
Embroil involve in hostility or argument
Guileless frank; straightforward; honest
Jocular in a joking manner
Nondescript having no special features; dull and ordinary
Pillage plunder
Redundant unnecessary; superfluous
Susceptible vulnerable
Wispy flimsy; frail; delicate

Rules of the game:

Every participant should compose a story using all ten words.

A story should have five or less sentences.

A participant should send a text to email word_game@mail.ru. Please don't forget to mention your name and city of residence. It will be great if you also send your avatar.

The last day to send a story is July 21. Please, don't put off a sending till last minute :) .

Every text will be checked and corrected by my English teacher (if she will have a time of course). If you don't like it just let me now.

All stories will be posted July 22 and the voting will be started.

The last day of voting is July 24.

The winner will be declared at July 25.

It would be great if you could choose a name and illustrate the story with a small picture but it is OK if you couldn't.


New participants always welcome! Please do not hesitate and send us your story.

Good luck!

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4 комментария Word Game 5

  • Вячеслав

    Nondescript dull and ordinary

    У меня такое ощущение, что тут с описанием напутано. Как то они не совпадают...

    • Sasha

      Вы знаете, в Оксфордском словаре это слово переводится как «невзрачный, неопределенный». Я думаю, в принципе, это подходит под приведенное описание. В любом случае, я беру эти слова и описания из официальных тестов для канадских студентов. Видимо это слово применяется в Канаде в таких значениях :).

  • Вячеслав

    Я перевел Nondescript как неописуемый.

    А вот описание dull and ordinary как скучный и обычный.

    Согласитесь — это почти противоположности :)

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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: