Февраль 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


Mini Word Game 12


Заполните пробелы словами, обозначающими родственников.

1. My grandma’s granddaughter is my                       ____________________.

2. My son’s grandmother is my                                  ____________________.

3. My son’s wife is my                                                 ____________________.

4. My mother’s son is my                                            ____________________.

5. My nephew’s sister is my                                       ____________________.

6. The man I’m married to is my                                 ____________________.

7. My brother’s wife is my                                           ____________________.

8. The person I live with as if I’m married to them is my   ________________.

9. The man I used to be married to is my                   ____________________.

10. My grandfather’s wife is my                                  ____________________.

11. My mother’s sister is my                                       ____________________.

12. My father’s father is my                                         ____________________.

13. My cousin’s father is my                                       ____________________.

14. The boy I gave birth to is my                                 ____________________.

15. My daughter’s son is my                                       ____________________.

16. The woman I married is my                                  ____________________.

17. My son’s sister is my                                            ____________________.

18. My aunt’s daughter is my                                      ____________________.

19. My sister’s husband is my                                    ____________________.

20. My brother’s father is my                                      ____________________.


Пожалуйста, присылайте ваши ответы на word_game@mail.ru.

Желаю всем удачи!



1. sister. 2. mother/mum. 3. daughter-in-law. 4. brother. 5. niece. 6. husband.
7. sister-in-law. 8. partner. 9. ex-husband. 10. grandmother/grandma. 11. aunt.
12. grandfather/granddad. 13. uncle. 14. son. 15. grandson. 16. wife. 17. daughter.
18. cousin. 19. brother-in-law. 20. father/dad.



1 место — Юрий Ярцев (г.Иркутск) — 3 балла


Рейтинг игроков:

Yuri Юрий Ярцев (г.Иркутск) — 6 баллов

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