Январь 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


Crossword 13 — Answers and Winner


6. Easily made angry.

7. Preserve (something valued) from oblivion or extinction.

8. Sly or cunning intelligence.

9. Set upright again.

10. Place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.


1. Noisy and difficult to control.

2. Concerned with tasting or the sense of taste.

3. Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.

4. Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.

5. Shaped into alternate ridges and grooves.


You can download this crossword in MSWord  format here: crossword13

Please send me your answers to word_game@mail.ru

Good luck everyone!




6. Irascible

7. Perpetuated

8. Guile

9. Redress

10. Juxtapose


1. Obstreperous

2. Corrugated

3. Pivotal

4. Gustatory

5. Elusive


The winner of this game is Grigory Domanin (from Cheboksary). He gets 1 point in the Word Game 13.

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