Март 2025
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Word Game

So today we have three texts.

It is not too much but I think it is very good for the first time :) .

Here are these stories for you to read:

1. It is a very bellicose creature. It wants to be an elusive and a consummate hunter and blood whets its appetite. If there was one night as a phantom like phenomenon it would nettle people and they would have felt jaundiced. But if you had killed it you would have felt better as you would recuperate. When they congregate gregarious they seem like real superlative creatures of hell. What is it for the creature?

2. Sometimes there are days when habitual bellicose world around us becomes like a nettle massive lump. Despite you being a gregarious person, jaundiced pall commences on to cover your whole soul. In such moments you are beginning to appreciate elusive significance of superlative phenomena that has happened with you in the past. These thoughts recuperate your mind and soul, they remind you of your life is not consummate yet. Such moments sting you like a whet needle and compel you to run ahead solely.

3. The Painter had created his superlative canvas and it was so consummate that each person who looked at the canvas changed for the better. A shy person became gregarious, a jaundiced person became kindly, even sick people recuperated when they looked at the canvas. This unique phenomenon nettled The Envious Person and he decided to obliterate the canvas. He whetted a knife and came to the canvas, but something elusive stopped him. His bellicose mood changed for placid when The Envious Person looked at the canvas and he threw out a knife.

Now I'd like to ask you to choose the best story. Please vote for one text which you like the most.

Voting will be closed at June 27 and on that day the winner will be declared.

Which text do you like?

  • 3 (67%, голосов: 10)
  • 2 (20%, голосов: 3)
  • 1 (13%, голосов: 2)

Всего проголосовало: 15

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1 comment to Word Game

  • Sasha

    Что-то голосование у нас как-то не очень активно идет :). Не стесняйтесь, пожалуйста! Выскажите свое мнение :).

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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: