Февраль 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


Word Game 23

This is a prize of this Game.

These are ten new words.

Alibi an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene
Buttress strengthen; support
Delineation demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining
Evacuate vacate; empty; abandon
Idiosyncrasy a personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual
Libertarian someone who opposes tyranny
Ominous threatening
Potent powerful; compelling; strong
Ruminate think over something; ponder
Transcribe copy

Please send me your stories to word_game@mail.ru.

Good luck everyone!


Please read this story and vote.

I am innocent!”

In spite of buttress he had, there was no alibi that was able to give a potent support to delineation his innocence in the court.

He was ruminating sitting in the prison cell for a few last days, and a single thought that didn’t evacuate his mind was about his family.

Transcribing the last events inside of his memory, he tried to realize how could they accepted him as ominous terrorist libertarian, taking into consideration only his idiosyncrasy – his Caucasian appearance.

He realized that there was no way out this situation, but nevertheless he firmly knew: “I am innocent!”

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I would like to present you our participants and the winner of Word Game 23.

1 place — Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk). He takes 3 points.



This is today's rating:

Yuri Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk) — 9 points

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