Март 2025
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Word Game 15 — Winner

This is a prize of this Game.

These are ten new words.

Acuity sharpness (mental or visual)
Braggart someone who boasts
Debunking exposing false claims or myths
Epitomized typified; characterized; personified
Hidebound rigid in opinions
Languish decay; fade away; get weaker
Obsequious servile; submissive
Polemical causing debate or argument
Restorative a tonic
Thwart prevent; frustrate

Please send me your stories to word_game@mail.ru.

Good luck everyone!


Today we have only one text but I think you will like it.

1. Michael  Zoschenko

An editor-in-chief of  a well-known  literary  journal sat at the table in his office with a morning cup of  a daily restorative coffee when suddenly opened  a door,  a visitor  came into the room with obsequious smile and handed braggartly to editor a typescript  by his name.

An acuity polemical flared up among  members of an editorial board about a real writer"s name.

An editor-in-chief epitomized his standpoint and due to his broad-minded outlook the plagiarist's plans were thwarted and debunked a myth of a hidebound impostor about his authorship.

After languishing in obscurity for many years Michael  Zoschenko's early novels have been rediscovered  thanks to that a painful incident.

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I would like to present you the winner of Word Game 15.

1 place — Raisa Gordienko (Ulyanovsk) She takes 3 points.



This is today's rating:

Grigori Domanin (Cheboksary) — 12points

Yuri Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk) — 10 points

Raisa Gordienko (Ulyanovsk) — 7 points

Irina (Penza) — 1 point

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