This is a prize of the Game.
These are ten new words.
Adulation | strong admiration; worship |
Bristle | to show irritation |
Decoy | lure; trap; trick |
Erratic | wandering; irregular |
Histrionic | theatrical; exaggerated |
Laud | praise |
Obstreperous | noisy and boisterous |
Portend | foretell |
Retraction | withdrawal; cancellation of a statement |
Titter | giggle quietly |
Please send me your stories to
Good luck everyone!
These are three new stories. Which one do you like? Please, vote!
1. Nothing portended a misfortune.
Nothing portended a misfortune, however in that day a greybeard, who had an adulation of various signs, decoyed to go for a walk.
It was a delightful erratic autumn day and an obstreperous crowd was only breaking the silence.
At that peaceful moment a black cat had appeared before him and commenced to cross his way, he jumped away performing retraction from his intention to go ahead and got under the stream of cold water.
At first he had bristled at the cat but then he began to titter over himself, because at that instant all his persuasion about the signs was seeming no more than histrionic phobia.
He even lauded the pet for that.
2. Actor Bob.
Actor Bob was coming back home tipsy from an obstreperous evening party and he was arrested for erratic driving.
Bob bristled at the remark and defiantly said that a policeman specially decoyed him in order that to take a bribe.
As a result Bob was taken to the police office, where everything portended an early renewal of the conflict.
There he tried to make the retraction of his own words.
However, turning his histrionic talent and low adulation to his advantage, Bob performed a laud to the police and he was released by a titter duty policemen.
3. Fake extrasensory perception.
You know that I really don't like is fake psychics — those people who try to decoy you by «portending» your future without having any extrasensory perception at all.
Their words and actions are so histrionic and erratic, full of adulation and laud, usually they tell obvious facts anyone could tell you and because of people who hear from fake fortune tellers, they start to believe that.
I agree that sometimes it is hard to be the unbeliever when the medium summons the spirit of your departed friend or relative and that spirit seizes inside the medium's body and starts to speak in a spooky manner, titters like a psycho and becomes obstreperous.
But as I noticed before — most of the psychics are good actors and therefore I don't like them at all and bristle when I hear that one of my friends for instance would like to visit a medium.
So my personal advice to all of you, dear readers, please try to avoid all possible contacts with psychics; the only word you should keep in mind, when somebody advises you to deal with those cheaters, is retraction — you should refuse that kind of offer if you don't want to be nicely left.
Which text do you like?
- 3. Fake extrasensory perception. (50%, голосов: 4)
- 1. Nothing portended a misfortune. (25%, голосов: 2)
- 2. Actor Bob. (25%, голосов: 2)
Всего проголосовало: 8

I would like to present you our participants and the winner of Word Game 12.
1 place -Grigory Domanin (Cheboksary). He takes 3 points.
2 place — Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk) and Raisa Gordienko (Ulyanovsk). Either of them take 2 points.
This is today's rating:
Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk) — 5 points
Grigori Domanin (Cheboksary) — 4 points
Raisa Gordienko (Ulyanovsk) — 2 points
Irina (Penza) — 1 point
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