Февраль 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


Word Game 11 — Winner

This is a prize of this Game.

These are ten new words.

Bane troublesome influence
Condone tacitly support; overlook
Eclectic taking things from different sources
Genre a category; type
Irascible easily angered
Mundane ordinary; worldly
Perpetuated caused to continue
Rancor resentment; animosity; bad feeling
Strut swagger; show off
Voluble talkative


By this time we have only one participant and I would like to present you his story.


Drugs are the bane of the big cities.

A drug addict using drugs for a long time is being transformed from a calm person into an irascible animal, whose rancor is perpetuated in his broken mind.

Mundane healthy citizens strut, they are eclectics of the best things and they are far from this problem.

However, there are genre of persons who cannot condone with this common evil.

They organize various voluble actions and meetings against spread drug and may be one day their voices will be heard.


So please vote.

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I would like to present you the winner of the main Word Game 11 -Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk). He takes 3 points.


This is today's rating:

Yuri Yuri Yartsev (Irkutsk) — 3 points

Irina (Penza) — 1 point

Bane troublesome influence
Condone tacitly support; overlook
Eclectic taking things from different sources
Genre a category; type
Irascible easily angered
Mundane ordinary; worldly
Perpetuated caused to continue
Rancor resentment; animosity; bad feeling
Strut swagger; show off
Voluble talkative
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