Февраль 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


Word Game 10 — Voting

Today is Thursday, so we have to choose the best text.

Please, read and vote!

1. Initiation.


Hallowed tradition demanded from novice to juxtapose full remorse and dismissal of the past with desire for a new life.

Facing enduring bestial hunger, he had to get out of the cavern, using only tactile organs.

Only corrugated date — primitive placebo — gave the applicant forces.

The sun was at its zenith, when our hero appeared in front of Council.

2. The Never-ending Mystery of Life.

The Work of a Mind

Many a time have I thought that life can turn you into a novice even though you have had a colossal enduring experience being at times self-sure of knowing something so well, so clear as if you have a certain tactile contact with the subject.

The thoughts that flow through your mind once in a quiet and leisurely way revolt now with the bestial velocity of a sprinter at the zenith of his fame because here is something you DO NOT know.

How could this be possible?

Your mind is searching the deepest and most corrugated layers of your memory juxtaposing hallowed and unquestionable nooks with the idea of how-could-I-miss-that.

Not without remorse you will then remember the point of blunder – but here is placebo to relieve you of your spiritual wounds oftentimes said to be much more effective then a real drug.

Which text do you like?

  • 2. The Never-ending Mystery of Life (71%, голосов: 5)
  • 1. Initiation (29%, голосов: 2)

Всего проголосовало: 7

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